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Heli-Skiing in Canada

Heli-Skiing is a concept that most skiers have heard of before. Many are dreaming of it and many make the dream come true. There are however some frequently asked questions from first time heli-skiers; how good as a skier do I need to be and how about the risk for avalanches?

Skiers that are comfortable skiing any run in a ski resort, can manage heli-skiing. CMH, world-leading heli-ski operator, has security as the highest priority. Our well educated mountain guides have a long experience to lead our ski guests in the Canadian mountain terrain.

Returning guests

We have guests coming from all over the world; men, women and families. CMH has also kept the small-scaleness in the eleven areas that we ski in. Our lodges accommodate a maximum of 48 guests which makes a relaxed and undemanding atmosphere. The service always gets the highest mark from our guests. Each lodge has its own chef, pastry chef, professional massage therapists as well as pleasant young staff taking care of our guests during the stay. There are good reasons why many of our guests are returning.

Where do we ski?

Our lodges

CMH Heli-Skiing History

Read the story

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